Sunday, June 14, 2009

Junior Track Nationals 2009 Information

                                           ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR JUNIOR NATIONALS IS OPEN UNTIL JUNE 25TH

                                        JUNE 28TH JUNIORS ONLY GET READY FOR NATIONALS OMNIUM(SEE BELOW)

                                                                                        for those in town early


                        I would like to welcome all of you to sunny Southern California for the 2009 US National 
                        Junior Track Cycling Championships. They will take place  starting July 2nd to the 5th at the         
                        LA Velodrome at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California just south of Los Angeles.  We 
                        will use this web site to update you with information that we feel is important and helpful. Please 
                        feel free to e-mail or call with further questions.

                        I can be reached by e-mail at and by cell at 714-904-8625.

                        ORANGE COAST MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER  in conjuction with MOMENTUM CYCLING has 
                        generously agreed to be the title sponsor for this event. Please check out their web site.

                        We are very fortunate to once again have the Championships at the only indoor 250m 
                        International track in the country. This track is not, however, a public facility; and therefore 
                        we must follow the rules that have been put in place by the owners of the track. These rules 
                        are designed with everyone’s safety in mind and are the exact same as were in place last year.

                        Presently there are posts on this site about available hotels as well as local restaurants. 

                                                                          Pre-Race Training (Track Time)

                        Prior to the National Championships the track will be open for training at designated times
                        during the week leading up to the races. The schedule is now posted in the calendar
                        section of .  It can also be accessed directly for June and July 
                        through these links.  There  is a  certification  process  necessary to  ride  the 
                        track at the LA Velodrome. Only Cat 1 and 2 track riders can bypass this process. Any
                        other rider who has not previously been certified at THIS TRACK MUST go through a certification        
                        class. These classes are $65 and will be offered daily during the days leading up to the racing. 
                        This schedule is posted on the above links. Riders do not need to be certified to race the 
                        Championships as they are run by USA Cycling, but the pre-race training is run by the Home 
                        Depot Center rules and this requirement must be fulfilled prior to getting on the track for open
                        training. We strongly recommend that all riders go through this process so we can have good 
                        safe racing once the Championships begin.

                        There is a discounted $10 (for juniors) track fee per open training session per rider that 
                        must be paid before  getting on the track. There are also waiver forms that are separate from 
                        the USAC that will need to be filled out one time only for the pre-Championship training
                        sessions. A separate waiver will be needed for registration for the races.

                                                                       JUNE 28TH JUNIORS ONLY OMNIUM

                        There will be a juniors only omnium with racing similar to junior national distances at 4 pm Sunday 
                        June 28th. Registration will be from 230 to 330, warm-up starts at 3 pm and racing at 4 pm. There will 
                        be a $20 fee for the racing for out of district riders and track fees will apply. Information will be posted 
                        at  when available. There will be a free certification class at 3 pm for those racing         
                        that afternoon.

                        Once again, if you have any questions please contact me.

                        Howard Marans 
                        Race Director/Promoter

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